The Goals
With PolyChrome Berlin, a hybrid photonic integration platform is being developed with which a wide range of novel applications from the field of sensor technology and analytics can be realized cost-effectively and compactly. The development of a wide wavelength range from 400 nm – 1650 nm, as well as the interaction of polymer and silicon nitride based optical fibers in combination with the hybrid integration capability forms the basis for this. The performance of the PolyChrome platform will be demonstrated on six demonstrators.

The RUBIN Alliance
The RUBIN alliance PolyChrome Berlin is dedicated to one of the most important key technologies and future industries of photonics by establishing a technology platform for the realization of hybrid optical components that will find application, for example, in sensor technology or analytics. These innovative photonic components are a technological prerequisite not least for the comprehensive digitization of society and Industry 4.0.
The Region
A high-tech sector with global appeal has emerged around the medium of light in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region. Here, the PolyChrome Berlin alliance wants to create further unique selling points for the region and tap into new potential. The alliance is already intensively anchored in the region. For example, a regional network with 126 members exists for the photonics sector. Against this background, sustainable processes can be developed and established to support a structural change.

The Partners
The core competencies of the 12 partners from the RUBIN alliance PolyChrome Berlin cover the entire value chain necessary for the development of the technology platform and its commercial exploitation.
MEDICA 2024 Glean
PolyChrome Berlin, an innovative sub-project of PolyPhotonics Berlin, participated in the MEDICA trade fair alongside the Fraunhofer Institute HHI. At this leading medical technology event, they proudly showcased their latest products and technological...
PolyChrome platform applications

Visible light sources
Modern fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, which also allow three-dimensional high-resolution images of microscopic samples, are inconceivable without lasers. These techniques are now used extensively in research in biological and medical investigation.
SiN Sensors – Microring Resonators
In a rapidly developing society, time and costs have become important factors. This fact also increasingly affects the field of sensor technology. Compact optical analyzers should meet these requirements and realize a fast, cost-efficient and specific measurement of various chemical and biological substances. The application possibilities should cover many areas such as diagnostics, environmental analysis, life science and also food analysis.
The combination of SiN ring resonators functionalized with nucleic acid-based capture molecules (aptamers) can meet precisely these requirements. The proof of concept will be provided in this development project. For this purpose, two fields of application will be defined and demonstrators built for them.

Fiber optics as sensor
Optical fiber is opening up more and more possibilities for measuring physical quantities. On the one hand, it can be used for interference-free transmission of the measurement signals, and on the other hand, it has the potential to act directly as a sensor. The measurement can also be carried out under adverse conditions and in inaccessible locations. Electrical and magnetic interference as well as sparking can be kept away from the measurement location.